Ride Green, Ride Together with Prayaan!

Eco-friendly rides for every journey:

  • Choose from bikes, auto rickshaws, and cars to reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Pick and Go for convenient on-demand rides.
  • Share Ride to split the fare and reduce traffic.
  • Free Ride to share empty seats and save money.
  • Joy Ride to carpool with friends on adventures.
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prayaan Prayaan
  • Free Ride
    Empty seat? Fill it for free! Offer a Prayaan Free Ride, share the ride, share the planet. Reduce emissions and save on gas while meeting fellow eco-conscious riders.
  • Eco Ride
    Split the fare, share the planet! Prayaan Share Rides offer a comfortable and eco-friendly way to travel. Find fellow riders heading your way, save money, and reduce traffic congestion.
  • Country Ride
    Escape sustainably! Plan your eco-friendly adventure with Prayaan Joy Rides. Carpool with fellow adventurers, explore new destinations, and split the fare for a budget-friendly getaway.
  • Prayaan
    Ride green, go now! Prayaan Pick and Go offers eco-friendly rides on-demand. Choose your ride (bike, auto, car) and get a convenient, sustainable ride with a tap.
  • The Very Important feature, SOS
    Ride with Confidence: Many ride-sharing apps, including Prayaan, prioritize rider safety with features like: Trip Sharing: Share your ride details (driver info, route, estimated arrival time) with loved ones for added peace of mind. In-App Support: Access a dedicated support channel within the app to report any concerns or request assistance during your ride